What is Virtual sales?: The remote future of 2021

Your team already learned that the future of work is uncertain. They are more than likely to collaborate with someone who isn’t always in the office in today’s digital-first workplace. Especially now, as businesses strive to ensure employee protection in challenging times by implementing work-from-home policies. As a result, face-to-face meetings with other members of the sales and marketing teams have been moved to the internet. Even before global events made it possible for many workers to work from home, nearly half of the American workforce worked remotely at some point. Virtual sales have become a common option for companies looking to increase their sales capabilities while lowering costs thanks to technological advancements. Use the following tips to ensure a smooth transition, whether you need a little extra sales help or want to scale up a huge virtual sales team. Sales representatives can use virtual selling to get around the difficulty by leveraging speed. Sales reps can schedule meetings and send video messages only when they’re needed, keeping the momentum high and inactivity low.

One may recruit a virtual sales assistant as an independent contractor or as a remote employee to help you with various sales assignments, projects, or positions. They work and interact virtually, as their name implies, and are not restricted by geography. 

Hiring a virtual sales team has several advantages/benefits which are as follows:-

  1. The rise in productivity – The advantages of using a virtual sales team Let’s pretend you want to hire virtual staff instead of contract labor. Remote workers are more active and less likely to leave, which is good news. And with some higher operating costs for perks, recruiting virtual sales representatives can be a successful investment.
  2. Flexibility – Digital sales assistants may be hired on a contract, monthly, or project basis. The move to virtual salespeople allows the company more flexibility to deal with busy seasons (such as end-of-quarter sprints to reach quotas) as well as evolving industry and consumer demand needs. Your sales leaders may also assign tasks to virtual sales assistants that would otherwise consume precious time, allowing them (and their teams) to concentrate on higher-priority work. In other words, virtual sales teams offer businesses the flexibility they need to scale up and down their activities in response to changing demands and goals.
  3. Consistent Training – One way to benefit from virtual sales the effectiveness of the meetings is to provide more regular check-ins or stand-ups. Consider holding short, routine, and frequent meetings instead of lengthy, inconvenient meetings to keep teams interacting regularly. Your leaders will be more likely to remain on track while they talk with their teammates or other department heads if they touch base with them for a shorter period but more often. Ascertain that each team member has a chance to talk and is heard.
  4. Goal setting – The bare minimum of your meeting planning should be to create an agenda. Make sure you leave enough time for effective debate, analysis, or answering questions, and that the agenda doesn’t go too long or too far off-topic. Your team can add extra agenda notes to the calendar invitation if they want to go above and beyond with their organizing skills, such as who will address each subject and how long each discussion will last. This will assist them in staying on track and holding others accountable. Your employees will feel inspired to keep going towards the company’s goals if they are rewarded for their innovation, sales successes, or their hard work. 

Apart from the benefits of virtual transactions, the query needs to be answered. How do you do virtual sales? Is there a specific technique? What qualities to look for in a sales representative? To maximize your success, you must change the way you market and utilize modern tools and techniques. Virtual sales representatives must be able to operate independently and have a high level of self-motivation and problem-solving skills. Virtual employees must be able to take responsibility and work on problems on their own without the support of a boss who can hold their hand and answer questions at any time.

  • Excellent at problem-solving
  • Result-oriented teamwork
  • Knowledgeable about Analytics tools and responsive to feedback
  • Communication via phone, email, or chat is consistent and reliable.
  • Should take initiatives
  • Deadline- driven
  • Self-motivated and should motivate other


Centum has gained recognition from several reputable organizations, including the Brandon Hall Award for ‘Best Use of Blended Learning in 2020 and being named one of the world’s “Top 15 Emerging Leaders in Training Outsourcing.” It was also named the 11 great Places to Work® in India for 2019. A successful course will also cover crucial sales methodologies such as the right pitch, value marketing, and negotiating strategies such as ZOPA and Batna. These will also assist in bridging the gaps in virtual sales. To make a professional impression, go over the basics like finishing up the call by summarising and reiterating the next steps and meeting dates. It’s all about adding a personal touch, even though you’ve never met the prospective client in person. Know that your loyal customers will remember how you treated them during these difficult times. So take the time to get to know them better and stay on their good side; it will benefit you in the long run. This is why structured training on documenting progress and systematically closing opportunities is also required. 

When things return to normal, the team will have more opportunities to reach their customers in addition to face-to-face interactions once they’ve learned to improve their social brand and mastered the art of virtual engagement. This would add the benefit of creating a new world of hybrid sales processes that merge virtual and face-to-face meetings soon. However, once the team has received training on how to break down artificial barriers with new go-to-market tactics and win consumer confidence, they will be well on their way to driving growth in both scenarios. And for sales representatives , that’s a win-win situation!