Tracing the way from HR Technology to Work Technology

The HR landscape has gone through a massive shift driven by the pandemic. The technology that played an important part in facilitating remote working environments across organizations Is no longer an experiment but in fact, has become the new normal.  The HR technology 2021 report by the research and advisory firm John Bersin Research that interviewed HR leaders and industry representatives says that the biggest reset in the HR domain over the course of the past 12 months is the shift from HR technology to work technology.

To support a wide range of business activities, HR applications are finding their way to areas beyond payroll and employer administration. Emergence in business determination to enhance overall employee experience and the development of HR tools formulated for employees instead of managers are some other significant shifts that have been taking place in the HR tech market. This change determines that every work action gets added to the series of activities that can be ameliorated by technology in the age of digital transformation.

Introduction to the new HR trend

The result-driven from the research underlined that 2021 for HR’s will revolve around creating improved and effective employee experience with an increased number of easily accessible apps that make the work easier for employees and which slot into the current business tools. Refining employee experience will include developing efficient systems for communications, service, case, and knowledge management, as well as simplified ways to build new workflows, portals, and chatbots. The first-ever end-to-end employee experience platform Microsoft Viva is an example of one such tool and is expected to experience abrupt market acknowledgment soon.

This trend simply indicates that the time when HR systems were closely tied to payroll, benefits administration, and LMS systems were loosely latched onto an assortment of talent management systems is gone. Therefore, it is time for HR leaders to move from processes to employee-based systems. HR system vendors are further busy building single interfaces for the purpose of employee learning, training, connectivity, and collaboration.

The reason behind this rapid shift is solely the pandemic that pushed organizations across the globe to identify and realize the heavy dependencies of the firm’s survival and growth on employee health, well-being, and productivity. Because of this, a smooth employee experience is now an industry-wide value. The significance of employee experience is a result of acute skill gaps and talent shortages across multiple industry segments as well as huge remote working settings that made one-to-one communication and interaction crucial to the success of the business. Keeping great employee experience in mind, vendors are now building systems that are highly accessible and mobile optimized.

The rise of technology in the HR domain

The necessity to develop smarter systems has now increased more than ever which is raising the bar for HR technology vendors to create AI and chatbot-driven systems. Using AI for creating systems for the workforce will help them become more customized, convenient, and conversational. What is further adding to the product strategies is the heightened demand for remote work, employee well-being, and embedded analytics.

There has also been a growth in the requirement for software like contingent work systems that are designed to support workplaces and hybrid workforces. This is further followed by new methods of internal hiring processes with in-house talent marketplace hubs that enable internal mobility.

The overall focus of 2021 will revolve around making HR technology disappear or making it more helpful for employees, managers, and leaders to improve the overall employee experience.