How to Enhance Compliance Through Role-Based Access Control

Information supports the key aspects of running an organisation, which include communication, accounting, decision making, data analysis, and much more. Organisations are not only required by the law to guard their sensitive information but doing so can save the organisation from the potential risks of theft and unauthorised access.

The data collected during auditing and any information including notes, reports and non conformances generated from the audit are also highly sensitive and need to be safeguarded. Data security has always been a difficult area with the traditional auditing systems based on emails, paper checklists and online folders full of reports. But modern audit management systems support Role-Based Access Control which enhances data security. Let us see how.

What is role-based access control?

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is a security standard wherein users are granted suitable access to resources based on their role in an organisation. The correct implementation of RBAC can be an effective way to implement and encourage the principle of least privilege – which states that users should only have access to resources that are required to do their job. Unnecessary sharing and access to data that is not required for their work can lead to compromises in data security.

For example, let’s have a look at the different roles in an average organisation. The roles of users, with the company also having manufacturing/storage units at different geographical locations known as sites, can include the following:

  • Administrator
  • Organisation manager
  • Site manager
  • Audit manager
  • Site user
  • Organisation user
  • Audit user

How Mobiom helps ensure data security?

Mobiom is the audit management software that regards the highest importance to data security. It only grants access to information to authorised users as suitable to an organisation. Not all users can access what the administrator can do. The administrator is usually within the highest levels of management and decision-making within the company.

Mobiom gives users access to specific resources based on their roles. For example, a site user can access the information related to their site only, while an orgnisation manager can access the information of all sites of the organisation. When an audit is finished and marked as closed, only the audit manager and top management can access its details.

Such features enable data security as no user can have information about what is happening at other audit site locations or access sensitive information such as audit evidence without authorisation.

Benefits of role-based access control:

1. Enables site-level security

The data of each site is safely accessed by site user of that site or the site manager. The site users of other sites cannot peek into others’ details or change them. This helps ensure the integrity of data across the whole organisation and keeps each site focused on the activities and actions of their site.

2. Ensures information is only shared as authorised

Role-Based Access Control not only ensures data security within an organisation, but it also prevents data theft from outside. The implementation of RBAC helps make sure that only authorised users can see the information.

3. Enhances compliance

RBAC is also required to be implemented by many legislations. Having an audit management system that incorporates this control can further the compliance regime of an organisation.

4. Maximises operational efficiency

When users can only access what is relevant to their work, and need not spend time shuffling through unnecessary details, it leads to better operational efficiency and ensures people concentrate on what is important to them. The reporting features of Mobiom are also streamed by RBAC and allows the site or the organisation to run their own reports to search and assess their audit trends and history of compliance or areas where issues have occurred over time.

5. Reduces of breaches and data leakage

Implementing RBAC can lead to a reduction in data breaches or leakage otherwise arising from unauthorised access.

6. Reduced costs

Organisations can reduce the costs of assigning user access rights and its complexity with Role-Based Access Control. Regulated organisations can also save costs arising out of non-compliance with the regulations that require them to adopt a data security paradigm.


Introducing an audit management system that also allows Role-Based Access Control can simplify the compliance regime of an organisation. Mobiom is a cloud-based compliance audit management system that can help your organisation implement the right audit data security standards. Contact Mobiom today for more information.

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