Envisioning the Future of Higher Education 5 Years from Now

Online-driven education with in-demand skills is some of the major ways of how the education industry will look five years from now.

The COVID-19 crisis has severely impacted the education system globally. The lockdown implemented throughout the world has led to the closure of schools and universities. Although most education management systems have made efforts to maintain the learning structure amid the pandemic crisis, professionals and students have started relying more on resources available online.

Below are a few predictions that are likely to change the education system in the next five years:

Ipsos, a market research company commissioned a survey of adults across 29 countries on how they foresee the education system to be delivered in the upcoming five years’. This is how the education system is likely to look like in the upcoming five years:

1) The survey respondents from Japan and China will likely see education being delivered in person.

2) However, most of the respondents believe that the decision of online-learning that has been implemented amid the COVID-19 crisis will stay relevant for quite some time.

3) Also, half of the adults believed that in-person is worth the cost and effort.

4) By 2025, it is believed that higher education is going to be a combination of online learning and in-person.

When the second wave i.e. COVID-19 struck, we all saw the upsurge of cases. Also, over 27,500 adults across 29 countries were asked to give their opinions about how the education system will be like five years from now.

As a result, more than 72 percent, which is almost three-quarters of the respondents said that higher education in the country will be conducted online. With more than 1.3 billion learners across the world, universities and schools were forced to shut down while adopting online learning – perhaps attaining better education solutions.

Here are a few glimpses of how the education system is likely to be in the next few years:

  • Determining the cost

The survey also demonstrated multiple views about the in-person cost during higher education. On average, in 29 countries, more than half i.e. 53 percent agreed to the fact that in-person higher education is worth the cost as compared to the 36 percent of the respondents who disagreed during the survey.

Countries in the agreement of in-person education

a) China – 81 percent

b) Sweden – 78 percent

c) Saudi Arabia – 69 percent

d) India – 68 percent

e) Netherlands – 64 percent

f) Malaysia – 63 percent

g) Singapore – 62 percent

h) Germany – 61 percent

Countries that were not in agreement with in-person higher education

a) Chile – 59 percent

b) Italy – 57 percent

c) Russia – 51 percent

d) Brazil – 51 percent

e) South Korea – 51 percent

Also, at the global level, men between the age range of 50 – 74 and those having a university degree agreed to state that in-person higher education is all worth the cost.

  • Going on the online mode

According to the survey, nearly 23 percent of the adults that were surveyed said that education programs for professionals might likely go online, while around 49 percent of the respondents believed there will be a split between online and in-person education system.

Whereas around 29 percent of the respondents also said the education system will be delivered mostly in the in-person mode.

On the other hand, Japan and China that had the lowest cases of COVID-19 said that the in-person teaching will still be in a place like it used to be in the early times.

Whereas, in India and Brazil, countries that predicted the third-highest cases of the crisis agreed that higher education is going to be a face-to-face situation.

In conclusion

As we enter the era of the pandemic recovery phases, we must reflect closely on the role of the upcoming educational system.

As a result, in the upcoming five years, universities and colleges are likely to become more accountable to the teachings taking place online.