Building a strong team: The Stages of team development

has taken a hit due to an ongoing epidemic, economic concerns, and the constraints of the distant working environments. In such a tumultuous climate, how can a team retain its efficacy and growth? Committing to team growth is an excellent place to start. Businesses that invest in team development are more likely to thrive rather than survive. This article will walk you through the importance of team development, its stages, and the activities company leaders can take to help their teams adopt a development attitude.

What is Team Development?

A team is a collection of people who collaborate to achieve a common goal. Each team member uniquely contributes to the common goal, utilising a distinct set of skills to fulfil a team position. Despite this, everyone on the team has the same mindset and mentality. Though it may appear simple on paper, balancing individual and team goals is a difficult task. 

A successful team has the following characteristics:

  • Mission: Everyone on the team understands what the team’s overall goal is.
  • Commitment: Every team member devotes their time, energy, and focus to the team’s common goal.
  • The 3 R’s: Everyone on the team must be aware of the team’s RULES, ROLES, and RESPONSIBILITIES.

During employment, almost every team will fall short of one or more of these criteria. With continuous reflection and progress, team development seeks to achieve these objectives. Just like any form of action, it takes time and practice to become effective. To put it another way, a team does not form from the ground up.

Why is Team Development Important?

Maintaining an efficient team is similar to tending to a garden; if left unchecked, it will wither. The long-term viability of a team is ensured by team development.

Team growth is beneficial to the team in a variety of ways. Individual team members learn more about their potential, responsibilities, and how to work together dynamically. On the other hand, team development familiarises each member with the talents and roles of other members. The team’s communication, productivity, and well-being improve due to this combination of internal and external reflection.

Stages of Group Development or Team Building

There are five stages in the development of a strong team. Following are the stages of team development:

  1. Forming- The team members familiarise themselves with the essential parts of their task during the “forming” stage of team growth. The project goal, team member duties, basic ground rules, and authority assignment are all common debate topics during the forming stage.
  2. Storming- The project may provide both technical and interpersonal problems once the real work begins. Individual work habits, leadership decisions, and communication breakdowns can all contribute to team conflict. Anger, frustration, and anxiety are all common reactions. Storming is the name for this stage of team growth. Storming is the most challenging and ineffective of the five stages of development, but it is essential to its growth. When team members are frustrated with themselves, the task, or each other, they figure out what is causing the most problems. With this knowledge, the team can begin to strive for more positive team chemistry.
  3. Norming- The calmness after the turmoil is the norming stage in team development. Team members settle into a rhythm as a cohesive task force throughout this stage of team growth. Each member’s abilities are validated and put to use to complete the tasks at hand. While disagreement may still occur at this point, it is no longer spiralling into dysfunction. The team is capable of dealing with disputes and completing the project successfully.
  4. Performing-Some teams reach a point in their development where they excel at individual and group tasks. Each member’s skills are fully utilised, supervision is nearly seldom required, and members have a high level of trust in one another. Performing is the name given to this level of team development. Reaching the performing level is a considerable accomplishment that frequently leads to some group learning. The behavioural process of seeking, gathering, discussing, and implementing strategies for team success is known as team learning. Team learning is an action phase that ensures healthy team development, whether through training, group initiative, or inventive leadership.
  5. Adjourning-The practice of adjourning differs from team to team. Some teams adjourn in silence, others in joy, and still others in sadness. Regardless of the project’s length or success, each team deserves to be praised for their hard work. The adjourning phase provides an excellent chance for leaders to foster long-term relationships, reflect on the team’s progress, and celebrate the project’s completion.


Following the different stages of team building is crucial for a team to become effective and perform the necessary tasks for reaching organisational objectives. Without effective team development, business growth is not possible. For understanding the nitty-gritty of leadership and team development, you can engage in a corporate training course provided by Jigsaw Academy. This will enable you to ensure you are on top of your game and manage your team efficiently. 
