6 Signs It’s Time for a Laptop Upgrade and How to Pick a New Laptop

Knowing when it’s time for a tech upgrade isn’t always obvious. What may seem like a minor issue today may actually be a severe problem. Without the right tech know-how, it’s hard for regular laptop users to know when there’s a problem.

Luckily, you don’t have to be an expert to learn what signs to look out for.

If you aren’t sure if you’re ready for a laptop upgrade, this post will help you figure things out. Keep reading to learn the signs you need to look for that signal a laptop upgrade and what you need to know to make your next purchase.

Signs You Need a Laptop Upgrade

Not everyone is a tech whiz and can spot the signs of a dying laptop. The good news is that even if you don’t have those skills, there are a few things you can look for when your machine starts to die.

  1. Noisy Fans

Your fans are there to ensure your computer doesn’t overheat. Most of the time, you won’t hear them. Your laptop runs well enough that fans don’t need to run at full force to keep things cool.

However, that may change in the future. If your laptop struggles to keep up with your demands, it will work harder and heat up. Your fans will power up as a result.

If your fans are noisy even under light workloads, it may signify that your laptop is failing. You’ll need a new machine to keep up with your current demands.

  1. Everything Lags

The workloads of today are more than they used to be. Programs use more resources than ever because they do so much. Unfortunately, older laptops may not be able to handle those loads.

If you find your laptop constantly lagging, it may not be powerful enough to do what you need it to do. If you want to work efficiently, you’ll need to upgrade to a more powerful machine that can handle your computing needs.

  1. Blue Screen of Death

As your laptop ages, your hardware will start failing. If the problems are bad enough, it will cause your laptop to crash. One of the most common things you’ll see when this happens is the blue screen of death.

A blue screen of death looks like gibberish to most people. It gives a lot of random information and error codes that you need to look up to figure out what’s wrong.

The most common issue is that a piece of your hardware is failing. If this is the case, you’ll need to replace that hardware or invest in a new computer that doesn’t have dying components.

  1. Repairs Are Getting Expensive

You don’t always need to get a new laptop when something goes wrong. Much of the time, you can get by with a repair at your local tech store. Common repairs that aren’t serious don’t usually cost too much money.

However, things change if things start getting really bad with your laptop. As more expensive laptop parts start failing, you’ll start seeing higher repair bills. When this happens, it’s usually a better choice to invest in a new laptop instead of paying too much for repairs.

  1. Can’t Upgrade Your Operating System

Believe it or not, operating systems have a lifespan. While companies support their products for a long time, they eventually need to discontinue support for older software.

This is a problem if you’re using older operating systems. You won’t get new security updates when this happens. With cybercrime such an issue these days, you can’t afford that to happen.

You’ll likely need to buy an updated laptop to get a machine powerful enough for a new operating system. Once you do, you’ll continue getting the latest updates and can keep your computer safe.

  1. Bad Battery

Batteries in laptops don’t last forever. While they may give you several hours of runtime when you first buy them, that time will go down to nothing. Unfortunately, you may not be able to get by with only working next to power sources.

A dead battery is a perfect sign that you need a new laptop. By the time your battery dies, the chances are good that you’re ready for the next generation of notebooks.

How to Find Your Next Laptop

If you see any of the signs above and are ready to buy a new laptop, you’ll need to learn a few things to make the best choice. Below are several factors to consider when you’re ready to buy.

  1. Form Factor

Some people don’t take their laptops out and about all the time. Because of that, they may not care as much about size. They’ll go for more extensive and more powerful machines in exchange for size.

However, that’s not a great choice if you’re on the move all the time. You want to be nimble and move around with your laptop without getting bogged down.

Think about how you’ll use your laptop and the form factor that will work best for you.

  1. Use Case

Not everyone has the same use for a laptop. Some people need it for general purposes and don’t have specialized needs. For those people, a brand like Lenovo that provides consumer laptops is a great choice.

However, things are different if you want to do something like gaming or video editing. You need better hardware for these use cases. Make sure your laptop can handle everything you need it to do before you make the purchase.

  1. Storage Space

Many people underestimate the amount of storage they need on their laptops. While you can offset some of that problem with cloud storage, many people don’t want all their sensitive information in the cloud.

If you want to store a large amount of data on your machine, you’ll need enough storage to do so. Think about your storage needs before you buy to ensure you find a laptop that can meet those needs.

This is even more true if you store a lot of video and images. These files take up a lot of space, so you’ll need more space than regular laptop users.

  1. Screen Quality

If all you do on your laptop is browse the internet, your screen isn’t too important. You only need it to display images and text, so it doesn’t matter if things aren’t high-quality.

Things are different if you want to use your laptop for other things. Take video streaming, for instance. There’s a lot of 4K content these days, so it pays to have a 4k screen to view that content.

The same is also true if you’re gaming. You want to use as high of graphic quality as you can and need a high refresh rate to get smooth screen motion.

Take all these into consideration when looking at your screen options.

  1. Battery Life

Your battery isn’t a big issue when you’re indoors a lot and can access power sources. All you need to do is plug your laptop in to get work done. However, things aren’t as easy if you’re constantly on the move.

If you plan to use your laptop on the go, you’ll need to ensure your computer has excellent battery life. Consider how long you’ll spend away from home using your computer. Your laptop needs to last throughout the day for it to be effective.

  1. External Ports

If you’re like most people, you have a lot of tech peripherals that you use. The problem is that every company doesn’t use the same standard for connecting their devices to computers.

That means you need to consider the ports available on your laptop. Look through all your devices and their connection types. Ensure your laptop choice has every port available needed to make those connections.

If you get a laptop without the correct ports, you’ll need to buy an adapter to connect any device with a connection you don’t have.

  1. Build Quality

Not all laptops are built to last. They’re flimsy and likely to break if something ever goes wrong.

While this may not be an issue if you don’t use your laptop in dangerous situations, that isn’t the case for everyone. If you put your tech through a lot, you need to make sure that your laptop can handle rough usage.

Don’t Wait to Upgrade a Dying Laptop

The last thing you want to do is ignore the signs that it’s time for a new laptop and end up without a laptop to use. The guide above will help you learn when it’s time for a laptop upgrade and help you find a suitable replacement machine. Don’t waste time looking for your upgrade to ensure you have a laptop to do everything you need to do.

Once you get your new laptop, you can do a few things to get the most out of your purchase. Check out the latest blog posts to learn how to make the most of your new laptop computer.